
할리퀸 Harley Quinn S01 E01 : Til Death Do Us Part

거제리안 2020. 4. 1. 12:39


Following an unsuccessful yacht robbery, Harley Quinn is sent to Arkham Asylum; though she firmly believes that her boss and lover Joker will break her out. A year later, her best friend Poison Ivy gets her out during a prison break and tries to convince her that Joker does not love her. Despite Ivy's support, Harley's attempt to break up with Joker fails after he sweet-talks her into staying with him. The Riddler, who also escaped Arkham, provokes Joker into sending Harley to kill him. Riddler captures her and Batman before giving Joker the choice to save one while the other dies. When Joker ultimately chooses Batman, Harley finally realizes she never meant anything to Joker. It's also revealed the death trap was devised by Ivy and Riddler to drive that point home and she was never really in any danger. Following a costume change, Harley officially breaks up with Joker and declares her intention to make a name for herself in the criminal underworld.

우선은 19금이라는 점에서 놀랐다.

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빌런들을 포함해서 배트맨과 고든 캐릭터들의 재해석도 재미있다.

업무에 찌든 짐고든이 열폭할 때마다 중재에 나서는 배트맨의 모습이

상당히 재미있었다.
